33 Kerk straat, Piketberg, 7320
022 125 0141


Welcome to the Piketberg Christian School Website

Piketberg Christian School is fully registered as a private school in accordance with the Independent Schools Act of South Africa. We also use the CAPS Curriculum.

We are authorised to educate learners from Gr R to Gr 9. The curriculum program we use, meets the outcomes and minimum standards of the National Curriculum Statements as prescribed by the Department of Education in South Africa.


Ons is ‘n skool waar jou kind in sy taal van sy/haar keuse onderrig word. Waar ‘n kind holisties ontwikkel word om met vertroue en met ‘n verhouding met God die toekoms met onwrikbare geloof, hoop en onbaatsigtige liefde aan te pak. Akademies word hoë standaarde gehandhaaf deur ons bekwame en toegewyde personeel en verantwoordelikheid word hoog op prys gestel.

Dit alles word moontlik gemaak deur kleiner klasse, individuele aandag en ‘n atmosfeer waar jou kind sy eie persoonlikheid kan en mag uitleef. Elke kind word holisties ontwikkel en opgebou om die beste weergawe van hom of haarself te wees. Hier bepaal GOD jou kind se toekoms. Nie die samelewing daar buite nie. Facebook

Our Team

Lizmari Lambrechts

Headmistress + Grade 1 Teacher

Sanet van der Walt

Grade 2 and 3 Teacher

Melanie Groenewald

Grade 5 and 6 Teacher

Hanri van Zyl

Grade 4

Henk Davel

Grade 7 to 9

Annake Bester

Secretary and Admin

Adélma Carstens

Grade R Teacher

Contact us

Please fill in the form below and we will be in contact as soon as possible